SCAM!!!! NewColorIris? What is that? for those of ya'll who don't know. NewColorIris has to do with a procedure that is done for people who don't like wearing color contacts because they wanted something that looked more natural. Another purpose of the surgery was to help people who had Heterochromia. People with Heterochromia are people who are born with two different eye colors. The way this procedure works is that they add the NewColorIris which is a diaphragm and implant it in your eye. So that it covers your natural eye color, if you really want to change your color stick to Color Contacts Search for Eyemoods
(Here Are The Videos)
The NewColorIris Procedure
3 People who had the surgery and got scammed
LaTerra, Jarvis, and YQS
Doctor's Opinion on The NewColorIris Surgery
If you want to see updates from them Checkout their youtube. I put all their youtube names on top of their videos.