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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Your Burning Calories Without Even Knowing

"Livestrong" Is a site I knew about a long time ago and It helps you count calories you put your age, height, weight, how much weight you want to gain, maintain, or lose, and your activity level. When you sign up theirs a activity list and food list you could search the foods you eat and put portion size and If they don't have It you could add It yourself. The activity list have had many different activities like the treadmill, the bike, and even have standing, siting, hours slept, and even how long you drove. I was like I didn't know you could burn calories just doing those thing, and when you think about It, you are doing something It Is an activity and you are moving and using energy. After hearing this your probably thinkin then why do people get fat or are overweight? The reason for that Is because a lot of those people just eat uncontrollably or just don't pay attention to the amount of food their eating. Then they are not noticing that they are eating for example 3000 or over 4000 calories and the food their eating are probably not healthy and probably not active so they gain a lot of weight. If your interested In that site I was talking about, Livestrong,
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