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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Where Do We Get Our Eating Habits From?
Eating Habits,
Weight Loss
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Your Burning Calories Without Even Knowing
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Crest V.S. Colgate (Want Whiter Teeth Without Having To Pay To Much?) Check This Post Out
These two brands of toothpaste Crest Whitening Plus Scope and Colgate Total Whitening Gel are toothpaste I used and I recommend them both, If you want a product that's not expensive and actually works. The first one I used was Colgate Total Whitening Gel and this one work fast within 4-5 days you'll see results and It doesn't have a strong smell and taste like a lot toothpaste have It has a light minty flavor to It, It will make your breathe smell real good. Then weeks later I tried Crest Whitening Plus Scope and this one didn't work as fast as the Colgate Total Whitening Gel but It's still good you'll see results In about a week and half and this one has that strong minty flavor and smell to It, like I was talkin about before and It adds a little stronger taste because of the Scope In It, but you could get use to It though like I did.
Crest Whitening Plus Scope
- I like that It has scope In It, so you don't have to use mouth wash.
- thought that If It had mouth wash as part of the ingredient, It would work faster but It doesn't, results within nearly two weeks.
- Strong taste, and I know a lot of people don't like having a toothpaste that's strong because then It ruins their breakfast.
- If you have sensitive gums, It's most likely to make your gums peel a little.
Colgate Total Whitening Gel
- Works fast within 4-5 days already see your teeth getting whiter.
- Light taste, don't think It will ruin your breakfast.
- Will make your breathe smell real good.
- Less likely will peel your gums, If you have sensitive gums.
- I could think of anything bad about Colgate Total Whitening Gel.
I do kinda like the Colgate Total Whitening Gel a little better but It depends on what you prefer, In my opinion Colgate Total Whitening Gel would win, but I recommend BOTH because their both good products and they BOTH work.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Oprah and Dr. Oz Are Suing Acai Berry Companies
Alright, Oprah and Dr. Oz are finally going to sue Acai Berry Diet Companies, The reason I said finally Is because I actually had gotten emails, spam emails from Acai Berry and seen photos of Oprah and Dr. Oz on them. I regret deleting the emails because then I would have showed ya'll the proof. The Acai Berry company's probably got rid of every single ad or website having Oprah and Dr. Oz on them. The bottom line Is Acai Berry Diet Companies are smart they are they know how to market and scam people so easy. I remember a video from a Yahoo headine, I seen when a lady talks about getting charges on her credit card account non-stop from an Acai Berry Company when she showed all those bills. I was like DAMNN lol long lists of charges. The company said that she didn't read the agreement or fine print and was suppose to order a product from them first before she could get the 30 day free trial.
I thought that was dumb because how are you suppose to know If It's good or not If you don't try the product first? but yea I know everybody's different but I already know If a company's giving you a free trial they wouldn't need your credit card number or any type of access to where you hold your money, to me that automatically means they trying take your money and makes me not interested, when they ask you for those type's of things. So lady, she had to cancel her credit cards to stop the charges to her credit card. She said that people work to hard for their money, she also said something about how a lot of people want to lose weight.
I thought It wasn't the best Idea for her to give her credit card number but at the same time she could have not been thinkin about gettin charged on her credit card like she did and I'm thinkin she was probably thinkin, I want to lose weight so bad and these Acai Berry's sound great and you know once you see free trial you sometimes don't think. I guess I do understand why Acai Berry Companys added Oprah and Dr. Oz on the ads and websites to promote Acai Berry Products because I found out that Dr. Oz did mentioned It on the Oprah Show and added It to his Anti-Aging list. So, I don't think Dr. Oz should even sue the company because he voluntarily talked about those Acai berrys on the show and although they didn't ask his permission I still don't think that was necessary to sue the company.
Oprah on the other hand I understand why she's suing because she didn't even know what Acai Berry's were and didn't know what they did Dr. Oz did and brought that to her attension, but then they add Oprah on their ads and websites and from my knowledge I don't think she ever recommend It, I don't think It's likely she would If she never even heard of It or actually tested It to see If It worked. It Is also recommend that If you want to try Acai Berries buy the actual natural berry's and don't buy Acai Products be smart when your thinking about buying Acai Berries alot of scams out their remember NATURAL juss like you buy apples, bananas, grapes, or any type of oraganic fruit.
What Are Acai Berries? and What Are The Benefits?
Acai Berries are grown In Brazil's Rainforest and said to taste like a mix of different berries and chocolate. These berries are described to be very healthy.
- Very High In Anti-Oxidants.
- Can Possibly Help Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer.
- Acai Berries Can Possibly Help You Lose Weight.
- If You Have Allergies or Hypersensitivity To These Berries Stay Away From These Berries.
- Most Likey Safe If You Eat These Berreis In Moderation.
Acai Berrys,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Crash Diets Don't Work
Alright, when people want to lose weight, you have to understand that crash diets don't work, the reason I say that Is because although you do lose weight being on a diet you end up gaining everything back, a crash diet has short term results. If you exercise and setup a meal plan for yourself and add that one favorite food you like, once a month that's more likely to have long term results, doing this will make you more healthy, and you'll also enjoy eating healthy because your not completely giving up your favorite foods, and that will bring long term results. An example would be the 1000 Pound Man, he end up losing hundreds of pounds and gained every single pound back. It happened because he finally lost a lot of weight got off the diet and wanted to celebrate his weight loss. One meal turn to two, two became three to four and so on. So my whole point Is that he went on a diet and he didn't stick to It. So that lead to the weight gain and he even said that you have to get off a diet you can't stay on It.
Friday, July 3, 2009
SCAM!!! NewColorIris (Changes Eye Color Permanently)
SCAM!!!! NewColorIris? What is that? for those of ya'll who don't know. NewColorIris has to do with a procedure that is done for people who don't like wearing color contacts because they wanted something that looked more natural. Another purpose of the surgery was to help people who had Heterochromia. People with Heterochromia are people who are born with two different eye colors. The way this procedure works is that they add the NewColorIris which is a diaphragm and implant it in your eye. So that it covers your natural eye color, if you really want to change your color stick to Color Contacts Search for Eyemoods
(Here Are The Videos)
The NewColorIris Procedure
3 People who had the surgery and got scammed
LaTerra, Jarvis, and YQS
Doctor's Opinion on The NewColorIris Surgery
If you want to see updates from them Checkout their youtube. I put all their youtube names on top of their videos.
Permanent Eye Color Change,
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